Quantum Alberta Workshop 2019

July 30, 2019

The workshop’s objectives are: To bring together Alberta’s quantum community including academic (universities and polytechnics), industrial and government researchers and technologists to engender mutual understanding of the diverse quantum research and development activities in Alberta. To connect academic researchers with national industrial quantum activities and needs. To develop a strategy for knowledge advancement, translation and innovation pertinent to quantum science and technology.

Quantum science and technology encompass a broad set of research topics, which often intersect. As these fields continue to advance, it is expected that their impact and overlap with each other will grow. Quantum Alberta has five research themes as below.

  • Quantum foundations and quantum gravity
  • Quantum chemistry and multiscale modelling
  • Quantum materials
  • Quantum nanoscience and technology
  • Quantum optics and quantum information

Thank you to the day’s sponsors!


Lister Centre
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2H6

8:00am – 8:50amBreakfast/Set up Exhibition and PostersAurora Room/Maple Leaf Room
8:50am – 9:05amOpening remarks
Barry Sanders
Maple Leaf Room
9:05am – 9:50amTheme: QChem
Invited speaker:
Alex Brown
(University of Alberta) “Quantum computing for chemistry”
Maple Leaf Room
9:50am – 10:35amTheme: QOptics
Invited speaker:
Shabir Barzanjeh (Institute of Science and Technology – IST Austria) “Superconducting based entangled radiation and its application in quantum radar”
Maple Leaf Room
10:35am – 11:10amCoffee Break/ Exhibition and PostersAurora Room
11:10am – 11:55amTheme: QMaterials
Invited speaker:
Ion Garate (University of Sherbrooke) “An efficient algorithm for the optimization of Majorana devices”
Maple Leaf Room
11:55am – 1:00pmLunchMaple Leaf Room
1:00pm – 2:00pmTheme Breakout SessionMaple Leaf Room
2:00pm – 2:45pmPanel Discussion
(Paul Barclay, Alex Brown, Saurya Das, Joseph Maciejko, Christoph Simon)
Maple Leaf Room
2:45pm – 3:30pmTheme: QNano
Invited speaker:
John Davis (University of Alberta) “Quantum technologies enabled by cavity optomechanics”
Maple Leaf Room
3:30pm – 4:15pmCoffee Break / Exhibition and PostersAurora Room
4:15pm – 5:00pmTheme: QFoundations
Invited speaker: Christoph Simon (University of Calgary) “Quantum optics approaches to fundamental questions”
Maple Leaf Room
5:00pm – 5:30pmDiscussion & Wrap-upMaple Leaf Room

Invited talks will be 35 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of discussion.